Tournament Information
Chris Williams (604-321-2439) (vancouverscrabble at gmail dot com)
Miriam Gregory (604-736-4198) (gregory at rainbowltd dot ca)
Miriam Gregory (604-736-4198) (gregory at rainbowltd dot ca)
June 8th, 2024
Check-in begins at 9:15 A.M.; play starts by 10:00 A.M.
8 rounds — pairing system TBD. The double challenge rule will be used.
Divisions of 8 players each. Division sizes may be modified at the director's discretion if the total number of players is not a multiple of 8. The WOW24 lexicon will be used for all divisions.
Entry Fee
$50 CDN. Registration deadline is June 6. No refunds once play begins.
We accept cash and cheques; Canadian players can also pay by Interac e-transfer (please register on-line first).
If you wish to pay in US dollars, please register on-line and send the indicated amount immediately, or contact Chris Williams.
Please bring Deluxe Scrabble® Boards, clocks, and tournament tiles if you have them.
WGPO Membership
All players must be current members of the
Word Game Players Organization
(including first-time participants). Membership if free. You can sign up online by clicking the link
Street parking in the area is free.
Registration for the tournament is now closed. If you still wish to enter, please contact Chris Williams; participation is not guaranteed, however.